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The snip

It's not just my husband who runs screaming from the room if the words 'the snip' are ever uttered.

Being told I needed to cut my novel Wife Support System by 80,000 words has left me with a serious fear of all things that require butchering.

You can find out how I achieved this major edit and overcame my other writing obstacles and challenges (these aren't officially my children's names) in my article The (very) long and the short of it on The Unstoppable Author website.

I also talk about my writing 'journey' (I hate this expression, but am determined to get used to it, just in case I'm ever asked to appear on Strictly Come Dancing) and how I handled seven years' worth of knock backs before Wife Support System was finally published. Judging by the bags under my eyes in my profile pic, I didn't get anywhere near enough sleep during those seven years.

The Unstoppable Author is a fantastic website offering support, inspiration and tough love for writers. It's full of articles giving advice, motivational tips and inspirational case studies. Oh, and that piece by me.

The website was set up by author Nicola Mostyn. Only too aware of how challenging writing can be (feel free to replace the word challenging with your own adjective – I'm trying to keep it clean here), Nicola created the site to entertain, inspire and reignite your fight when you're feeling rejected, demotivated and in need of inspiration and tequila.

If you'd like to have a laugh as well, then read Nicola Mostyn's very witty novels The Gods of Love and The Love Delusion. They are genuinely LOL. (I hate this expression even more than I hate 'journey', but I'm desperately trying to come across as cool. Although I have a horrible feeling it's just the desperation that's coming across.)


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